Very Easy Task Visit Site and Subscribe to Channel

Micro Job Details

Category: Youtube
Earn: $0.50
Completion Rate: 0%
Completed: 0 of 10
Countries: US,GB,CA,AU
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computerprofits (3) Reviews
Joined: December 20, 2022
Jobs Posted: 10
Job ID: 5582

Step One: Visit URL => Subscrib to Channel and like Video

Once the above URL is open follow these directions:
Link to visit

Please visit the provided link and that will take you to
an landing page on that landing page you going to click the
Claim your Reward Button at the bottom of the page.

Once you on the landing page2 you to scroll down
and click on the button at the bottom of the page.
that will take you to another page.

On the 2 landing page you going to scroll down
and click the button and that will take you
to an youtube channel subscribe and like the video

Please provide the channel name that you just subscribe to
and the link as proof

2. Please provide the channel name that u used to subscribe

If you don't provide both pieces of proof you wont be paid.

Please provide the channel name that you just subscribe to
and the link as proof
2. Please provide the channel name that u used to subscribe

If you dont provide both pieces of proof you wont be paid.

Include this code along with all proof above:
[ d41d 8cd9 8f00 b204 e980 0998 ecf8 427e ]

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